June 9, 2007

The rat in the wall

When thinking of death and I can’t sleep
I hear it gnaw at the wall
Turning it all to dust in nibbles
Intent only to gnaw and gnaw, keep warm
And stay away from the neighborhood cat.

My common wall neighbor says what’s the use,
You can call a man to crawl around
And plant poison,
Who in a few days returns
To retrieve the bodies, but
It always comes back.
The bodies are just costumes.
The raw banality remains
To gnaw in slow motion
Toward the head I dream with.

Morning comes it’s gone,
The sound of it
Drowned out by other dreams
Till night again hosts our rendezvous
Each side of the wall,
The clock watching like a hawk,
Blinking only once a minute
Till the moment we two meet,
The wall chewed through, the feast begun.